Talking To Myself
I’ve been tracking hits to the Workman Chronicles ‘Blog lately.
Let’s just say that, if I was a sitcom on the WB, I would have been cancelled already.
It made me wonder…if a writer writes in the forest, and nobody reads it, is he still a writer?
Or could the idle rantings posted thereon be considered an electronic version of talking to myself?
And if it can be construed as talking to myself, is there a 12-step program that could help?
Are there webmasters in white coats who will soon arrive at my portal to escort me to a padded chatroom?
It’s such a double-edged sword.
I simultaneously wonder if I were to write more, to post something new every single day, maybe that would inspire more visitors, while also wondering why I bother to put on a writing party at all if nobody is going to show up.
(Yes, it’s very “oh woe is me” in here today.)
I recognize that part of the problem is marketing.
Outside of the few nice folks who stumble in from my day job at the newspaper and the morbidly curious but kind who track me down from my inane rantings on other ‘blogs, nobody knows about this place.
I could try to buy ads on the internet, but that’s too much like being a prostitute’s John, where I have to pay for love.
I’m one of those hopeless romantics who believes there’s an audience out there for everyone.
Also, I’m a newspaper writer, which by definition means I don’t have any money for such luxuries as food and clothes, so I certainly can’t afford to gorge Yahoo and Google’s pockets any further.
A quick perusal of “Blog Explosion” or any of the other ‘blog catalogs out there explains that it’s tough to rise above the din of hundreds of similar sites claiming to be humorous. (On Blog Explosion alone, there are nearly 700 sites listed in the “Humor” category, way more than any other category in the catalog.)
My only hope is that I’ll become a posthumous success like Van Gogh or Jim Croce.
Long after I’ve died from an overdose of french fries and McNuggets, perhaps someone will discover this treasure trove of wit and exploit it into celebrity.
Or maybe a single stroke of the delete key will perform a bandwidth angioplasty, “killing my darlings” as Hemingway said.
In any case, I’m still here, howling at a digital moon and talking to the firewalls.
A caricature of the age-old stereotype of literary artists tinged with insanity.
If you're interested in increasing traffic you should give blog explosion a try like I suggested last week.
It does increase hits and every now and then you'll get some people who feel compelled to comment on your stuff and revisit it. Go here and check it out
3:01 PM
Thanks, dwhit.
Actually, I've been with Blog Explosion for over a month. (Note the "Blog Explosion" logo on the site.)
Unfortunately, guess my 'blog isn't interesting enough to lure folks from the crowded WebLog highway.
4:42 PM
The real trick is to put something currently big in your title so that Google picks it up. Right now mentioning Brad Pitt or Angelina.... then follow with one of your witty little articles...hook 'em in. I can't remember how I got here first. I think it must have been through Blogbudsman.
8:14 AM
I have found that commenting on other people's blogs is a fairly effective way to generate traffic.
11:13 AM
Workman, go over to Jack's. He really did it. He has one entry entitled Nake pics of Brad and Angelina and another one about Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes. He is really going for the Google glance.
4:00 PM
Workman - My bad, obviously I'm blind.
Cindra - Yeah, but there's no reason to trick traffic into coming to your blog because the people looking for naked pics of brad and angelina aren't going to stay and read, they're going to go look for more naked pics. The trick is to get the organic searches to pick you up while not lying about what you're writing about.
5:45 AM
Thanks for all of your suggestions and support, guys.
Cindra, I want to thank you personally and profusely for the posting on your site at
It was exceedingly kind of you to offer an electronic "pick me up." The friends in your every day circle are lucky to have such a special person in their lives.
In any event, I'm over my pity party, something like the literary equivalent of a 24-hour bug.
I'm a pro. I should know better than to whine. I just need to work harder.
Part of the rationale for starting this blog was to have a repository for the weekly "Workman Chronicles" column which appears every Tuesday in the Desert Valley Times, the small newspaper in Mesquite, Nevada where I ply my trade as a columnist and sports editor. (We're a small paper, so I also occasionally take out the trash and answer the phone.)
Eventually, the game plan is to offer "The Workman Chronicles" for national syndication. Right now, I have to remember that I'm honing my craft, paying my dues, and perfecting my chops so that this can become more than just a wish or a dream.
My editor, boss, and mentor, Bill McClure, has been extremely supportive. I've also received hearty attaboys from our regional publisher. (We are a tiny little part of Gannett, the company which publishes USA Today and a bunch of other newspapers). The publisher says that it usually takes at least two years to develop a sufficient body of work needed to lure other publishers and editors. However, as my friends and family know, I'm not that patient.
Okay, enough about "The Wonder of Me." I just felt that those of you who cared enough to offer kindness deserved some of the backstory.
Again, thank you so much.
And on with the adventure!
8:56 AM
I liked the whining... it made you more human.. as did Jack's hollywood postings. It made me "laugh out loud." Maybe I will pick up a USA Today from the floor outside my hotel room someday and see one of your articles. Hope so!
11:12 AM
Cindra made me come - and I always do what CT says. Hey, you got your first troll - dwhit. I was surfing once and saw a genuine little entry listing the top something or other sexiest women in show business. All I did was repost it and titled what it was. I'm still getting hits. Have you tried blog explosion - oh yeah, right!
2:02 PM
RD -
Oh gotchya. Of course I didn't check out the post before shooting off my mouth, I just responeded to the response without discovering it. I'd hardly call anything going on here "troll".
Maybe I SHOULD try this blog explosion thing that I keep hearing about!
2:36 PM
Workman - I'm glad you're over your 24 hour blog bug. I'd be sad if you stopped writting on here.
2:38 PM
You might check out Huckleberries Online which you can find off the page. It's a great place, might give you some blog ideas, and you can leave comments there that will attract people to you site. It's working for me. Yoda!
4:52 PM
From one of the "Nobodies" that read you, I'll let this article go as a bit of self depreciating humor. We all get this sneaking feeling that we're crying out in the vacuum of space, where "no one hears you scream".
This Blog world is "Alien" to most the surfers out there, so even those of us who aren't newspaper writers sometimes feel our words are lost in the dark matter of cyberspace.
It is for precisely that reason that we need to continue to Babble On 5 times longer than we feel we should. ;~D
4:46 AM
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