Humor columnist Morris Workman shares his "odd-servations" and twisted perspectives on small-town living, national news, sports, and societal whims. His wit and gentle satire are designed to make you smile, make you laugh, and mostly, make you think.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Cell Phones

Published in the Desert Valley Times
April 5, 2005

I love the new generation of cellular phones.
What I find most amazing is the plethora of choices now available for ring tones.
You know, the noise a phone makes when someone wants to talk to you?
Back when I was a kid, (when phones were first invented, according to my youngest daughter), the tone was actually a bell.
I know, hard to believe.
Then, in the 80’s and 90’s, we had electronic beeps and chirps to let us know when it was time to pick up the phone and utilize that time-honored of greetings.
We used to say “Hello?” with a certain amount of anticipation or dread instead of just glancing at the caller I.D. and saying “’Sup, gurrul?”
Today, the sound has been replaced by rap music, and sounds that mimic car engines with a bad fan belt, and an electronic impersonation of Celine Dion.
(Sometimes it’s hard to tell the difference between the three.)
Yep, now people can be annoyed in public by a whole spectrum of new
I’m waiting for the first time a solemn church service is interrupted by some of the, um, shall we say “colorful” language of a 50 Cent ring tone.
I’ve noticed a phenomenon that should be added as one of the corollaries to Murphy’s Law.
The more obnoxious the ring tone, the louder the volume setting.
As if the tune “Take Me Out To The Ballgame” isn’t annoying enough to get someone’s attention, the phone-owner has to have it set for “jet-engine loud” so everyone in the movie theatre can enjoy the nerve-grating serenade.
There is another facet to the ring-tone craze that once again shows that I’ve outlived my usefulness on this planet.
(Warning: Another “Back when I was a kid” moment dead ahead.)
Back when I was a kid, my friends and I collected baseball trading cards, Matchbox cars, and pennies.
Today, kids are collecting ring tones.
You can download them from this thing called the “Internet,” store them in your cellular phone, and trot them out whenever life isn’t keeping you distracted enough with TV, TIVO, CD, DVD, DSL, PS2, MP3, R2D2, C3PO, or LMNOP.
(Okay, I made up the last one, but I’m optimistic that a rapper will soon glom onto it as his stage/’hood name, leading to thousands of gangsta dollars heading my way in the form of royalties.)
While some of the sounds can be annoying, the positive is that the distinctive rings help people discern when it’s their phone ringing instead of the person next to them.
Before the unique tones, business meetings resembled a convention of gunslingers at high noon.
An electronic noise would sing out, and thirty businessmen would simultaneously slap their right sides at belt level like Clint Eastwood reaching for his gun, each checking to see if it was his phone making the sound.
Those who didn’t win the cell phone lottery would grin sheepishly like the gunslinger who accidentally shot the school marm.
“It wasn’t me,” they offer, leaving others around them to figure out whether the guy is referring to his silent phone or that taco-tainted aroma now filling the room.
The only thing that rivals the avalanche of ring tone options in oddness is the proliferation of cell phone ear attachments.
(Warning: Final “Back when I was a kid” moment fast approaching.)
Today, you can find people walking the halls of a building or strolling the aisles at a local store with a wire dangling from their ear, talking to themselves.
They’re called “savvy business people.”
Back when I was a kid, we just called them “crazy."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe I'm a little younger and tech savvy than you, but, yeah, the cell phone craze is killing me too. I mean I work in an office and at least 10 times a day you hear a cellphone go off.

I realize that in the past 5 years America has reached a place where you need to be contactable by friends, relatives, and minor acquaintances EVERY second of the day, but is it SO hard to put your freaking phone on vibrate while you're at work???

Granted I'm not dealing with any 50 cent rings here, but for what these crappy classical rings lack in perverse inappropriatness they totally make up for in extreme annoyance.

One woman who works near me has a ring that gets louder and LOUDER and LOUDER the longer it rings. Pretty soon people who work on the floor below us are going to start telling her when she has a call.

My friend has other interesting takes like this

10:47 AM

Blogger Workman Chronicles said...

I'm glad you enjoyed it.
(By the way...the tech savvy thing was said tongue-in-cheek...I used to own a computer consulting company and still occasionally do some free-lance programming)

However, if you're younger than dirt, you ARE younger than me.

And you're right...I enjoy Brad's site, and visit regularly. (I loved his "State of the House" post.)

So far, we've covered church, the movies, and the office. What other places do you think would be ideal for a ring tone intrusion?


(Thanks for checking in, anonymous. I think I met your twin in a post last week. At least, he used the same last name.)

6:36 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Workman!!

Congratulations for being the first from "" to visit my Blog!! ((And you always remember your first! Right?) ;~D

You graced my blog with your presence, so I figured, anyone loony enough to follow a link to a blog best described as, "A Satire of Personal Tragedy, Disaster, War, and Other Things that Just Plain Suck", you might just be worth a read!!

From your "cell phone" article, I can see that we are cut from the same bit of sarcastic steel wool.

As the irony of the ether would have it, I too did an article on Cell Phone Users entitled:

"10 10 Things every cell phone user should know (but for some reason haven’t figured out on their own).

Hope you enjoy reading mine as much I did reading yours!

Looking forward to reading more of your artcles!!

9:13 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You ask what other places would be ideal for ring tone intrusion, but I can't think of any place that it's not happening already.

I mean if it's happening at CHURCH! A couple years ago I was taking an exam in college and some dude's phone starts ringing. I believe it played the circus song (you know Da-da-dada-da-da-da-da-dada. Da-da-dada-da-da-da-da-dada. Da-daddle-dada-Da-daddle-da-daddle-daddle-daddle-daddle-daddle-daddle dah dah!!!)

Anyways the circus phone goes off twice in the same 200 person filled room during an exam. The dorky TA suggests that he turn his phone off and circus phone gets MAD at him for suggesting it!

I truely think we've reached a point as a society and we can never return.

7:18 AM

Blogger Workman Chronicles said...

Thanks, Parated2k!

I am duly honored and flattered by your cyber-presence at this humble 'blog.

I'll have a link to your site later today.

I love good humor writing, and yours is brilliant!

Dan, I'd say an SAT exam would be an inappropriate place.

I've noticed people get so huffy when asked to mute their cell phones. I think a part of it is a self-esteem issue, as they are obviously too intellectually challenged to figure out how to turn on the "vibrate" option.

And when you insist on cellular silence, they start reaching for dramatic excuses..."Oh, but what if my baby calls and he's been in an accident and is dying on an operating room table and I couldn't be by his side because no one could reach me due to your silly rule? I NEED to have my cell phone on!"

Number one, lady, your "baby" is 29 years old. Number two, if he was seriously injured, I'm sure the prison would find a way to reach you. Third, the outcome of whether he lives or dies is NOT contingent on your ability to be reached. Marcus Welby got along just fine, saving lives and handing out vapid smiles, for decades without one. Trust me, your cell phone may have the latest Linkin Park ring tone, but that doesn't endow it with power over life and death.

7:47 AM

Blogger LJ said...

Tagging along on the "church" location for a terrible time for a cell phone to go off I'd liek to add the following church situation. A wedding. Ahh yes, how better to remember your "big day" than to have a cell phone go off during your wedding vows. "Do you Pittman take Erin to be..." interrupted by "All you hoes get on 'da flo'!"

8:05 AM

Blogger Workman Chronicles said...

Weddings! Good one, Luke.
Which naturally brings up...funerals. Yes, there's nothing so spiritually moving as "The Can Can" when Uncle Luther's laid out ini his Sunday best.

11:53 AM

Blogger dwhit said...

Well Workman, all this cellphone talk has inspired me to start my own blog. Fun, fun, fun. Check it out

11:58 AM

Blogger Workman Chronicles said...

That's great, Dwhit!

Welcome to the fray!

I'll have a link to your site later today.

2:27 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

What I hate is when I'm scuba diving, enjoying the quiet solitude of the depths. Then it happens, I clear the apex of an interesting reef and I hear those annoying ringtones.

Of course, everyone has to show how clever they are, while at the same time "express themselves", so you know divers are no different.

The ringtone? "Octopus' Garden" of course! ;~D

Thnx for the inspiration, I think I feel a whole article coming on. Of course, I am always careful to give inspirational credit (or is that place blame?) where credit is due! ;~D

10:57 PM


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