Humor columnist Morris Workman shares his "odd-servations" and twisted perspectives on small-town living, national news, sports, and societal whims. His wit and gentle satire are designed to make you smile, make you laugh, and mostly, make you think.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Too Damn Cold

Okay, whoever failed to pay Mesquite’s heating bill is instructed to immediately make amends with the appropriate utility company and return our desert oasis back to it’s intended condition of searingly hot.

For those who haven’t ventured outside the warm confines of their personal abode in the last week or two, let me give you a weather report:

It’s cold.

No, wait, that’s not accurate.

It’s way cold.

Hmmm…not forceful enough.

It’s damn cold.

Getting there, but not quite right.

It’s “I’m not a frickin’ Eskimo, I hate ice on my lawn, and I’m going to strangle the next idiot who asks ‘is it cold enough for you?’” cold.

There, that about sums it up.

The current cold snap is endangering Mayor Bill Nichole’s popular claim that “we play golf 12 months a year.”

That may be technically true, since there are some golf lunatics who will actually swing a nine-iron while wearing a winter parka.

But if you are a golf purist who accepts the standard definition of “golfer” as “someone clad in loud polyester pants and mismatched polo shirt swinging a lightning-conducting rod at an elusive white ball,” then what those guys in the carts are doing can’t be construed as “golfing.”

“Freezing their Titlists off” would be the correct term.

Aside from the personal inconvenience of bundling up against 35-degree temperatures in what is supposed to be the burning desert, this stretch of North Pole artistry has deprived local residents of their favorite pastime:

Calling their friends up north and bragging about the nice Mesquite weather.

The conversation loses some bragability when your friend in Brainfreeze, Minnesota replies “35 degrees? It was up to 38 here. Of course, you wouldn’t know it while lounging in front of this nice fireplace. By the way, is your air conditioner still making that awful noise when you try to pry the thermostat up to the ‘Almost Livable’ setting?”

It’s a cruel irony that, all summer long, Mesquetians hunkered down in their homes and cars, afraid to stand outside more than 10 seconds for fear of spontaneous combustion.

Now, it’s a fear of having body parts flash freeze and snap off on the way to El Rancho.

Face it, we’re not equipped emotionally or sartorially to withstand this climate.

Most residents gleefully sold their winter clothes and fur-lined underwear when they abandoned their previous warmth-challenged address to make room for all the new shorts and t-shirts that our Easy-Bake Oven existence demands 10 months out of the year.

Now, no matter how many “Wolf Creek” polo shirts you put on, hypothermia is going to win.

And regardless of what the song says, Jack Frost is not “nipping at your nose.”

He’s kicking our butts.


Blogger adubya said...

Man, if you're looking for sympathy you're barking up the wrong tree. I would kill for 35...
It was 3 on my way to work today.

6:19 AM

Blogger Workman Chronicles said...


Hopefully you have mastered the winter parka and long johns fashion statement.

7:43 AM

Blogger adubya said...

Nah, it ain't that bad... up here (Wisconsin) 20 degrees = tee shirt weather, or no shirt weather if you're at a Packer game.

7:56 AM

Blogger michelle said...

hahahahahhahahaa.....oops, no sympathy here either...
when we have to live through the wet dismal winters up here on the wet coast I just remember that there are places a heck of a lot worse..

8:58 AM

Blogger adubya said...

7 inches of snow forecast for Wednesday to add to the 8" we already have. Oh joy... and winter doesn't officially start for another week.
Last time we had this much snow this early was 2000 and that year I had to dig DOWN to uncover my mailbox at least a dozen times. I also broke down and bought a snow thrower that year (and still using it today).

12:15 PM

Blogger Workman Chronicles said...

I know I should count myself lucky...I know others have it worse...but doggone it, the Chamber of Commerce brochure didn't mention anything about freezing my butt off! They were honest about the 115 degree summers, but they apparently forgot to mention that it gets frigid here!

And when watching those old movies and reading books, they always referred to the "searing desert," not the "teeth-chattering cold desert."

I feel like I've been ripped off, and I want my money back! Where's the manager?


8:32 AM

Blogger adubya said...

Yeah, they sucker you in with promises of heat stroke and hit you with the frozen tundra. That'll make your jimmies look for a place to hide...

12:00 PM


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