Humor columnist Morris Workman shares his "odd-servations" and twisted perspectives on small-town living, national news, sports, and societal whims. His wit and gentle satire are designed to make you smile, make you laugh, and mostly, make you think.

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Book Desecration

Okay, I’ve tried to resist, but I can no longer remain silent.
I am a book desecrater.
I’m guilty.
Call up the Muslim Chamber of Commerce and the Library Police.
I have actually stepped on a book.
In fact, I once kicked a book across my bedroom floor after it viciously reached out and attacked my big toe on my way to the bathroom one night.
I once used a Bible as a coaster for my bedside soda in a hotel that was too cheap to provide a decent nightstand.
I have used books to level wobbly tables, hold up temporary shelves, and as weights to help expedite the glue-bonding process.
In fact, looking around my desk, I currently have about a half dozen of them laying on the floor in spectacularly un-sacred fashion.
(Two of them happen to be Readers Digest, which probably don’t count as books.)
To be honest, none of those books were the holy Quran, but that’s just because I don’t happen to have a copy of that highly-popular text stashed on my bookcase.
If I had a copy, it would get just as badly abused as my Bible, my Book of Mormon, and my paperback copy of Stephen King’s “The Stand.”
(To be honest, “The Stand” is the only one of the three that I’ve actually read cover to cover.)
I love books.
As a writer, I hold them more sacred than the average page-turner.
But I’m nowhere in the same zip code as those who think book abuse should be punished by blowing up real human beings.
The big story these days, at least until the Michael Jackson jury comes in, is the desecration of Qurans at the Guantanamo Bay prisoner of war camp.
Apparently, a sizeable portion of Middle Easterners have taken the kicking and maybe even flushing of these books as the okay to suit up in their favorite explosive vest (the ultimate in instant weight-loss couture) and head out in search of innocent women and children to blow up.
Oddly, they seem to make a habit of blowing up other members of their own religion instead of actually springing for low-fare tickets to Cuba on Assassin Airlines to try and take it out on those actually using their holy book as soccer placebos.
It might have something to do with the fact that those doing the kicking are armed, and will actually shoot back, unlike the easier victims like the nine-year-old in Baghdad who can now spend eternity in her casket without arms and legs.
But that’s to be expected from a collection of lowly cowards who make a weekly picnic out of burning American flags because Americans kicked Islamic text books.
(Is “irony” a foreign concept in the Muslim religion?)
This is not a free-pass for American soldiers to begin using the Quran as their Charmin substitute.
I think everybody gets it.
Desecrating somebody’s holy book is wrong.
I understand how dedicated fighting men could lose sight of this, as they are so desperate they are willing to use any psychological squeeze if it gets someone to give information that saves one life.
But, in another ironic twist, book bashing is bad press.
So we as Americans need to stop this particular insult and go back to making remarks about the captives’ mothers and camel sex.
(Come on, Larry the Cable Guy gets raunchier than that in the first six minutes of his act, and he’s rated PG-13.)
And Muslims need to get over themselves.
They need to understand that no collection of paper and ink, no matter how sacred or revered, not even an autographed first edition of Stephen King’s “Carrie,” is worth one drop of human blood.


Blogger Workman Chronicles said...

Too true, Retired.
When they capture one of ours, the result is torture (I mean real torture, involving beatings and wounds, not "ooh, they're saying mean things to me"), being dragged through the streets, set on fire, decapitated, and hung from bridges. I'm dismayed that our own politicians want to turn this into a political issue, using our soldiers as the political pigskin.

It seems to me that being a "nutbar" is kind of a prerequisite for most of these zealots, Alison.

The part that continues to mystify me to this day, and has always, whether it's Muslims vs. Jews, Muslims vs. Christians, Catholics vs. Protestants..."I'm going to kill one of God's/Allah's creations to glorify God/Allah."
When these loons finally reach the hereafter, I can't believe that God is going to be too pleased with them. At least, not the God I believe in.


8:18 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great article Morris (as usual)..

This situation goes far to show the selectivity of outrage. The press is leading a crocodile tear vigil, claiming that this kind of religious harrassment is against the Geneva Convention.

Well, aren't their female guards and interrogators at Gitmo? Isn't it against the tenets of Islam to put a woman in a position of authority over a man? Isn't it also agaisnt Moslem law for a man to see the arms and legs of a woman who isn't his wife?

We read about female troops unbottoning there uniform pants, smearing fake menstrual blood on their faces, and now urine on The Holy Qur'an.

The press has issued its marching orders for outrage agaisnt the military for each of these, yet what would happen if the Pentagon announced that, in order to respect the religious beliefs of many of the detainees, they will no longer allow female troops to interrogate or be guards over them.


10:29 AM

Blogger Workman Chronicles said...

I'm with you, Gabriel!

Excellent point, Alison. I only wish there WAS a government involved in this mess. If the terrorists had a government, there would be a chance for a peace treaty or surrender. Since there is no legitimate, recognized ruling body, there can never be a peace. (Although, in the Palestinian territory, a government hasn't seemed to be much of a help in this area either, as Hamas and Fatah regularly go their own way.)

Parated2K, I consider your praise an honor.
You also bring up an excellent pot-stirring conundrum. (I LOVE that word!)
Which politically incorrect stance is going to cause Congress the most excruiating pressure? To discriminate against female guards, or to discriminate against a religious principle? (Unfortunately, our track record over the last 20 years suggests that religious rights are WAY down at the bottom of the list.)


12:36 PM

Blogger michelle said...

You have to remember it is only the extremists who are proceeding to blow themselves up, use terrorist acts against others as well as causing extreme shit around the world. The Quran itself dictates peace and that is evident with the majority of Moslim's in the world. As Alison said there has been other's in the world who have just been nut bar's and killed for their own egotistical demented beliefs. I know many Muslims and they are very nice peaceful people who are paying the price for those bastards who kill in the name of religion.

1:12 PM


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